Sustainability Questionnaire
🌱 Welcome to this fun questionnaire designed to assess your sustainability efforts and help you determine the best tools to communicate these efforts to your audience.
Let's get started!
How would you rate your current sustainability practices on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being extremely sustainable?
[ ] 1-3
[ ] 4-6
[ ] 7-9
[ ] 10
Which areas of sustainability are you currently focusing on? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Energy conservation
[ ] Waste reduction and recycling
[ ] Water conservation
[ ] Sustainable sourcing
[ ] Carbon footprint reduction
[ ] Other (please specify):
How do you currently communicate your sustainability efforts to your audience? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Social media posts
[ ] Blog articles
[ ] Newsletter or email updates
[ ] Sustainability reports
[ ] Website content
[ ] Other (please specify):
What challenges do you face when communicating your sustainability efforts to your audience? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Lack of audience engagement or interest
[ ] Difficulty in measuring and reporting impact
[ ] Limited resources or budget
[ ] Finding the right communication tools or platforms
[ ] Other (please specify):
How important is it for you to communicate your sustainability efforts effectively to your audience?
[ ] Very important
[ ] Somewhat important
[ ] Not very important
[ ] Not important at all
Would you be interested in receiving a personalized sustainability communication toolkit tailored to your specific needs?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Do you have any specific goals or targets related to sustainability that you would like to achieve?
[ ] Yes (please specify):
[ ] No
What types of content do you find most effective in communicating your sustainability efforts? (Select all that apply)
[ ] Infographics
[ ] Videos
[ ] Case studies
[ ] Interviews or testimonials
[ ] Interactive content (e.g., quizzes, calculators)
[ ] Other (please specify):
How often do you update your audience about your sustainability initiatives?
[ ] Daily
[ ] Weekly
[ ] Monthly
[ ] Quarterly
[ ] Annually
[ ] Other (please specify):
Have you received any feedback or engagement from your audience regarding your sustainability efforts? If yes, please share a brief example. [Text field]
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help me provide you with valuable insights and recommendations for effective sustainability communication. 🌍✨